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Enter the 2010 LinkerLogs design contests

In partnership with the 2010 ShopBot Jamboree in Durham, NC, we're proud to announce two LinkerLogs design contests...one for ShopBot Jamboree attendees and one "Virtual" contest on the Sketchup 3d Warehouse that's open to anyone.

The Jamboree contest

ShopBot Jamboree attendees can enter the design contest by creating their most amazing LinkerLogs creations, either physically out of parts that they cut or virtually out of pieces in the LinkerLogs contest model in the Sketchup 3d warehouse. We'll have a couple of the "standard" sets on hand for creations that use existing parts, but please feel free to create new ones and bring them to the Jamboree as long as they fit with the current pieces. Judging will be done by all the Jamboree attendees and announced on April 24th, with a $150 ShopBot gift certificate for 1st place and $100 for second place. You MUST be in attendance at the Jamboree when the winners are announced to win!

The Virtual Sketchup contest

Anyone can enter the Sketchup "virtual" contest, using the LinkerLogs contest model in the Sketchup 3d warehouse or creating your own. There are very few rules, other than that any new pieces must fit with the existing pieces and that you have to agree to make any new pieces available to the community Judging will be done at the ShopBot Jamboree by the attendees and will be announced on April 24th. You do not have to be present to win but you must add your model to the Virtual LinkerLogs contest collection to be entered.

What do you win you ask? The winner of the virtual contest will have a "Majestic" LinkerLogs deer and 2 strings of Christmas lights shipped to them, to decorate their homes in true LinkerLogs fashion!